“I’m afraid that I don’t love the little daughter enough”

Daughters 4 months. And all 4 months of motherhood, I suffer – first difficulties with breastfeeding, then terrible depression and fear that the child is malfunction. I don’t understand and do not feel when she is hungry or tired. The daughter often

cries, we have problems with sleep. Sometimes anger rolled over to myself for missing a lot, sometimes angry at the child when she is capricious. I feel terrible, I look too, there is no desire to deal with my daughter. So it turns out that she is unloved. But I try to love, take care of her and still do not feel joy. It seems that my daughter is a hindrance for me. But in fact, this is not so, I was waiting for her very much. Can I really love my daughter?

Victoria, 30 years old

Victoria, of course, childbirth is a natural process, but modern life dictates its own rules. And the level of stress in which we are constantly creates additional stress. There is such a thing as postpartum depression. Experts have found that non -treasured episodes of postpartum depression are found in almost half of women on maternity leave. And more than 10% experience severe or average severity of the form of the disease. And only 3-4% turn for help and receive it in full.

We have an idealized idea of a woman after childbirth, maternal instinct and other wisdom. The perfect mother is surely happy, glows with love. The perfect child eats well and sleeps on the schedule spelled out in books. But the realities of life are completely different. The problems that you have described – sleepless nights, crazy loads, related around the clock with the fears and anxiety of a young mother – leave an imprint on your condition.

A child who has colic, who has teeth cut, irregular sleep and chair, is not at all like an ideal baby. So, he can cause feelings of a variety of. When your daughter screams and you no longer know how to calm her, anger, anger, and despair appear. These feelings are also yours and are also important and natural. We must learn to recognize them and accept them.